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Long Road

Mindspring Psychology Services

Some of what we can offer . . .

Services: Services


We offer counselling services for a range of concerns and special populations, that are focused on achieving your desired outcomes. Your feedback throughout is paramount, not only because you are the consumer, but because effective outcomes in counselling require it. Visit our team page and click on a psychologist for their areas of expertise.


Each psychologist on our team offers therapy based on their own interests, training, and specializations, ranging from: self-esteem & shyness, relationship difficulties, stress, mood and behavioural problems, parenting support, workplace issues, PTSD & interpersonal traumas, depression, social & generalized anxiety, panic, OCD, pain management, life transitions, identity concerns including gender and nondominant identities.


We work with the general public, first responder populations, and organizations, and support each other to provide you with competent care and effective services to help you reach your goals. 

Contact us today to see how we may be able to assist you.


One of our most popular services is psychological assessment to address various workplace-related needs. This could be to determine psychological suitability prior to assuming, or for resuming various employment roles such as armed law enforcement, or safety-sensitive positions. Assessment services may also help to identify the presence of mental health functioning challenges, or the applicability for short/long-term disability. 
Contact us to discuss your needs today.


If you are wondering about how a psychological solution or service could assist you, your patients, employees, or your corporation, gives us a call. We'd enjoy discussing how psychological consultation services may be of assistance to you.

Clinical Supervision in Psychology

Our Psychologists have years of experience providing clinical supervision to psychology residents and practicum students, from CPA Accredited settings, and clinical workplace contexts. Contact us to determine if we can meet your supervision needs. We greatly enjoy helping people succeed; if you'd like to discuss private practice opportunities, whether working from our office, yours or both, please let us know.

Contact us to discuss how joining our team may fit your practice interests. 


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